Submission Guidelines

Abstract Guidelines

Submit the extended abstract in PDF format, double-spaced, using a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Begin with the following elements:
Title (bold, all caps).
Author Names, University Affiliations (without titles or ranks).
Contact Info: Include a statement for the lead author's contact information.
Keywords: Provide a list of 4-5 keywords.
Description: Include a one-sentence description of your paper.
No reference list is necessary, but you can note "References are available upon request."
Do not include any graphic elements (equations, tables, figures, appendices) in the extended abstract.

Full Paper Guidelines for Publication

Submit the full paper in PDF format, double-spaced, using a 12-point Times New Roman font.
The paper should not exceed 12 pages. If it is longer, edit it down for inclusion in the proceedings.
Begin with the following elements:
Title (bold, all caps).
Author Names, University Affiliations (without titles or ranks).
Contact Info: Include a statement for the lead author's contact information.
Keywords: Provide a list of 4-5 keywords.
Description: Include a one-sentence description of your paper.

Standardize the organization and content of the full paper as follows:
Start with the heading ABSTRACT (centered, all caps), followed by an abstract of no more than 350 words.
The next major heading should be INTRODUCTION (aligned left, all caps).
Use the following heading structure in the text:
MAJOR HEADING (bold, aligned left, all caps)
Secondary Heading (bold italics, aligned left, title style capital letters) Include a complete list of references at the end of the paper using the APA reference style.
Keep visual elements (equations, tables, figures, appendices) as simple as possible for clarity and accuracy.